with therapist Diane Lang, MA, PCC (1-Hour – 40 minute presentation + 20 minute Q & A )
Staying Positive During Trying Times
With gloom and doom around us, it can be hard to find the positive. Isolation has many of us feeling sad and anxious. But it is possible to stay positive, feel hopeful and reduce stress/anxiety during these turbulent times. We can learn to feel better by paying attention to our thoughts and feelings in a way that increases our ability to manage difficult situations and make wise choices. With intentional effort and tools for cultivating happiness and mindfulness we can feel more positive and hopeful – even during a crisis
Parenting in a Pandemic
We’re in the middle of one of the greatest tests for parents while being cooped up and working from home. Using the practices of Positive Psychology, we can help our kids to be more optimistic and happier during the pandemic.
Navigating the New Norm
There is a lot of talk these days about the “new norm.” Depending on where you live, the various social distancing strategies, face masks, hand sanitizers, canceled plans, and constant changes have us all grappling with a new way of life. It is safe to say we are in uncharted territory. Despite all the challenges we are facing, there is an opportunity to refocus and shift our lives.
Managing Panic & Anxiety
The anxiety and panic we are feeling is understandable and while we can’t control how the outbreak will pan out in the US, we can control how we react to it, while keeping ourselves as safe as possible.
Coping with Change & Loss
Change is the only constant – learning to accept and embrace change will help us go through it easier. Grief is a normal part of life that touches all of us. By acknowledging and growing through grief, we can learn to live with loss and find peace.
30 Minute Workouts| Recommend for everyone
REBOOT & STRENGTHEN: Get out of your head and out of your chair. Time to turn on those “sleeping” muscles and start building the strength your body needs. Practice basic movements to help better your posture and over all wellbeing.
Nutrition for Optimal Immunity with Elisa England, MA, RDN
An introduction to functional nutrition concepts as they relate to supporting optimal immune system function. Webinar includes a cooking demo and recipes.
- Understand the importance of building a resilient immune system
Learn about food sources containing immune-supporting nutrients and how to build balanced meals and snacks with them. - Create a kitchen supportive of storing, preparing and consuming immune-supporting meals and snacks.
Financial Freedom with Elliot Gindis
Think of your financial health as a table with four legs. For the table to stand, all four legs need to be solid. If one is missing or weak, the table will wobble, if two or more are missing, it will fall. In this webinar, employees will learn the four legs to financial freedom:
- Reducing your debt
- Saving your money
- Investing your money
- Protecting your money
Thrive with Dawn Lorentz, RYT, CFT
This interactive workshop teaches scientifically proven tools, insights and practices to cultivate a healthier mind and body.
- Navigate stress with mindfulness, movement, nutrition and sleep
- Rewire the brain with positive thinking and gratitude.
- Release stress out of the body with breathing exercises, yoga stretches and guided meditation.

LESS IS MORE with Self Reboot’s online subscription. Selecting a class on most apps can be overwhelming and time consuming because of having way to many options to choose from.
Self Reboot’s video library includes:
- Master Classes: Emotional, Nutritional & Financial
- Reboot & Stretch
- Reboot & Strengthen
- Yoga, Pilates and Cardio Classes
- Guided Meditations
All videos are professionally recorded and can be streamed 24/7 through a PC, smartphone, tablet or TV.
Onboarding is a breeze. You don’t need the IT department, and there’s no integrations to setup. We’ll have your site live within 12 hours and provide you with materials to promote the program.